3 September 2013

[Customs] Planters Take II Progress Update #02

(Click here to see Planters Take II Update #1)

Missed the photo day by 2 days. I blame work. Rain hasn't been huge this month so growth hasn't been as huge as last month's.

Hasn't been enough rain, and no one's been watering it as much, so grass length stays roughly the same as last month. Here's something interesting though. I'm not sure which case it is, but either the cars are being pulled downward from the roots or they've sunk from rain softening the soil underneath. Either way, it's pretty cool to see them bury themselves. Sooner or later, they may not even be visible anymore! Let's get snapshots on the planters:

The Stude's sinking rather evenly. The loose wheel sitting beside it is almost gone!

Blitzer is still going strong. That piece of moss I placed under it is likely the sole reason why it hasn't sunk like its back end; the moss was attached to clay and that is probably not going to sink from the mud.

The Wooden truck didn't come out as imaginative as I wanted back when I first toppled it over, but I guess it's cool enough the grass has sprouted in through the gaps.

Scrambulance has a neat stature and its load is rather tidy. It's sinking though. May take up to 2.5 years for it to be fully submerged into the soil at this rate.

M80 hanging in there. Its tilt was not deliberate. It's like it landed in a sinkhole area of the basket.

That's the Charger. Sitting on top of the Lincoln, it has a long while until the dirt rises to its level.... or when it sinks down to ground level. That Lincoln is practically buried at this point.

Armored Van still going great. It has sunk as much as the RV in the front end. It's at around "flood" level, I'd say.

The RV is one of the cars I can get a very good shot of from the front. It'd be sad to see it bury its face.

That's the M1. Yup, it's dug the most. It'll probably be first to dip its entire head in before the other get covered.

That wild tree. It's budding at the top! At this point, I don't know whether I should add supports at the cost of the planter's overall appearance, or see how long it can continue growing upward without collapsing on itself.

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