31 October 2015

[Customs] Quad-Mod Twinductions

Twinduction rushed its way into my collection in no time. But like the first one to enter,
they all needed to undergo.... cosmetic surgery. All the noses have been altered.

All the modifications for all four Twinductions are nearly identical.
The lights have been painted in, the chrome interior pieces have been spray flat black,
and the front/rear panels took on flat black acrylic instead of gloss this time.

for the 2013 releases, because the engine is not a separate piece, the bare metal foil
was given another try. The results were disappointing, but I'll live with the lunch wrap of a job I've done.

Lowering the car. Golly, the Twinduction has the stance of a beefy sports car.
Lowering the front accentuates the high tail and low bonnet and that's where this model shines.

Seller didn't want to send me another one right away. And after realizing what a dead end
hobby collecting errors is, I had no substantial reason to keep the defective item.
So off the card it goes and into the Retailer Buff collection!