31 October 2015

[Customs] Not a Single Mainline Left Behind - Porsche 934 Black

The standard remains unchanged. All the mainline 934s will get buffs no matter what.

The results are always worth it. Every time I add a new car into the tote, I can
always spot the orange 934 for all the attractive detailing put into it.

It's ironic that the blue one would make its way into the collection before the black,
but little I can do when Walmart skips several cases.

Sadly all the black rubber strips that made the orange 934 pop is barely visible on the
black paintjob here, but rest assured, the same treatment was given to this beaut.

Though I can't recall if the blue 934 had its rim coloured with the Sharpie paint marker,
I can say it worked out beautifully for these wire spokes. The flow of that marker is
one of the smoothest applicator in my tool set. But what I want to bring attention to is
the DUNLOP tire print I've attempted with a toothpick and Tamiya enamel. Obviously it
doesn't spell the name, but I imagine going with an impressionistic look will be
sufficient granted you maintain a distance when viewing!

Got that Z-bar coloured in as well.

I hope Mattel continues to make more 934 recolours. As frustrating as colouring the wheel
fender strip can be, the overall results are always enough to leave me smiling.