Brand: AUTOart
Model: Subaru Impreza WRC 1999 Reid/Burns
Scarcity: Not limited production, though hard to find on second market



It sure didn't take long to locate a model quickly chosen to be a holy grail.
I was searching at the right time, the price was reasonable, there was no competition
and the seller was in Canada. I could not have been any luckier.
Despite how fresh I am to the 1:18 collecting hobby, I get to say
"This is one of the models I've always been looking for!"

That antenna is either on the verge of snapping or it's invincible. I've knocked the side of my palm against
that many times while repositioning the car for the next photo and it just never breaks!

Interior stuff is cool beans. We get stuff we don't see offered in 1:64 as often. And maybe it's just me,
but I'm not particularly crazy about the interior parts and detailing. It's great to have without a doubt,
but all I can picture is me going "Yeah. Uh-huh. It's got the straps? Awesome. Cool." *closes the trunk*

One of the only gripes is how AA slacked off on positioning the emblem.