30 June 2013

[Customs] Planters Take II

Being the bright individual I am, I've learned that I'd probably have a higher chance of success if there was sufficient amount of soil. While progress had been made last month, the miniature planters required watering every day as the vessel dries up due to the low volume of soil.

 Not being a gardener I imagine myself to be, days have went by where I forget to water the trucks and that alone reverses about 3 days of work. That's going to change this time.
I've abandoned the few grass leaves which eventually dried up, cleaned out the trucks and starting over. This time, I'm using an entire basket where seeds can spread out from the trucks and into the larger plot of contained soil so that watering it won't wash it away.

All conveniently acquired from a dollar store - soil and seeds even!

Surface painting was had. I find there's excitement to be had from destruction, especially when it's done creatively. Bodies getting battered, and imitation of rusted and dirty surfaces - call it a practice run leading up to future Rally and Weathered cars. I took this opportunity to add more planters, and ended up pulling a few out of the donor bin. This is a good thing as reducing the number of bodies in said bin is a side-goal with this hobby.

I must say I was thoroughly impressed for a first try. 

Each car had a mix of the following exterior changes:
  • Scratched surface using a dremel with cutting disk.
  • Partial paint-stripping (only the Abandoned Wrecks).
  • Warped bodies done in with a hammer(only the Abandoned Wrecks).
  • Beige acrylic paint rubbed one for the impression of dirt and dust build-up.
  • Spray red primer in light uneven mists to create large rusty patches (only the Abandoned Wrecks).
  • Sanded surfaces with 240-grit, and 400-grit sandpaper to dull the finish as well as refining details in the dirt and rust.
  • Bent axles (for Abandoned Wrecks).
  • Finished with a matte top-coat nail polish for paint protection.

Somehow I ended up establishing a sub-category of the Planter series which I called Abandoned Wrecks. They don't exactly carry a large vessel and they certainly are rusted up like a car you'd find in a barn. Never the less, I hope the grass will eventually interact with its space. I might need to grab some moss and stick them onto it.

The Unnamed Truck was previously a planter, but I had turned it into a wreck for practical reasons. The gaps between the 2x4s helped speed up the time it took for the soil to air-dry. It also meant no water could be stored as it would just run out. Simply put, it was a vessel with poor foundations. Luckily I've found a good reason to make it a Wrecked ride.

Surprisingly had less space than I imagined, but this will do for the time being. As you can see, I've tipped the Unnamed truck on its side to make it look like it's contents got spilled. Watering it too heavily washed all the soil down but what I want from it is grass growing from the dumped pile of mud. As for the planters, they've all been topped up and the wrecks have got seeds planted inside, except for the Continental being crushed by the Charger.

At the moment, the planters don't fit into the environment too well and the reason for that is because the dirt painted on is supposed to create the impression of sand. That said, I'll be acquiring a bag of sand to use, maybe even going as far as finding a specific type of sand to match that tan colour as well as possible. For now, it's potting soil.

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