30 October 2016

[Gaming] Link Progress - Super Smash Bros Wii U

It seems the blog has been neglecting the gaming side of things, and in the interest of making the blog reach further completion, I'm adding in bits and pieces I missed out on.

When I began playing Super Smash Bros Wii U, there were several characters I wanted to invest time into learning as a means of understanding how to play the game in general. It's not a creative name by any means, but that reflects on what this is meant to be for: progress logging. It's no montage by any means, the intent is not to show off, but rather to capture the impression of my skill level at the time of the recording, and to see how I've advanced between each timestamp.

Link is still my primary character to this date, even though I haven't been pushing out more new videos. I imagined I would still be playing quite actively after a year's time, but I knew things wouldn't stay this way when I got into Rocket League. Fun fact, I purchased Smash in May 2015, and have logged about 530 hours to this date (Oct 30 2016). I purchased Rocket League in June 2016 and have logged nearly the same amount of hours into that. That's twice the level of grinding I've done compared to Smash!