5 March 2013

[Currency] International Coins

Here's the rest of the world Old post: My latest coins have made its way onto the web and I'm happy to start sharing them here! There are thousands of coins in existence so I'll provide brief intro to what I collect.

I collect just about anything but I categorize them as follows: Canadian coins, US coins, and International (save for the US since their coins tangled themselves in our circulation).

With Canadian coins, I seek to possess one of each year penny made. This is an ambitious goal granted my only rich (hah "rich") access to coins are from work as a cashier. So far I have every year from 1960 to 2012. From 1959 and earlier, there are gaps and quite a lot of coins missing. A colleague sold me her collection from when she was a kid and she rocked some fairly old coins and notes no longer in circulation. The oldest coin I received was a 1916 penny. Goodness me that's almost a hundred years-old! There's definitely no way I'll ever find these anymore so it is my set limit to where I stop with the pennies. In other words, my goal with pennies is to acquire them from years 1916 to 2013. I'm unsure if 2013 will go into circulation since Canada started phasing out pennies early February this year. I've seen a picture of one but it may be only found in a non-circulated mint box set. Beside that, I keep whatever nickels that are 1970 and earlier as well as dimes, but I don't focus on them. With quarters, I collect all the commemoratives that have entered circulation. Same goes for loonies and toonies.

With US coins, I pick up whatever old (1950 and earlier) pennies I find, any commemorative nickel, leave out the dimes, and as many commemorative quarters I can get my hands on. For the most part, I'm still working on gathering all the 50 State quarters, and with the National Parks being released over the span of 6 more years (don't quote me on that), there's more than enough to keep me busy.

With International, I collect anything. Plain and simple.

50 States Commemorative
 Only need Pennsylvania and Wisconsin to complete the States.

District of Columbia
there's also another 5 US territories: 


I also have U.S. Virgin Islands. 

International Currency

First of my Cayman Islands

Kuwait Dinar. Also another first of its kind.

Greece 2 cent euro.

South Korea 100 won. Worth a measly $0.09 CAD.

Trinidad & Tobago 25 cent.

I'm not expecting to find a lot more new coins now so expect posts of other coins I already have!

 1931 half penny

1939 half penny

 1944 half penny

 1901 penny

 1904 penny

3 pence
6 pence

 Latest grabs from work

Netherlands - 5 Cent Euro

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