29 April 2013

[WIP] Almost Complete! Annihilator Street Rod

(previous Annihilator post found here)

So glad it's almost over. The few days spent trying to fix up the exterior all thanks to the ink that vapourized from the decal was not a pleasant experience to say the least. I wish I had more time to fix this up but I really need to get over the loss of a smooth paintjob and move onto other projects at this point.

I just finished readjusting the height at which the engine sits at. Without much consideration, the engine was found to be positioned unrealistically higher than an engine should, so the interior piece that suspends the engine had been shaven down to accommodate for this. Some Sharpie marker colouring took place, as well as installing the notable dual blue fluid tube which I accomplished by a single piece of 22AWG wire folded in half and bent into shape.

The wheels are currently in the way of the engine sitting firmly on the interior sectional piece hence the positional tilt seen in the last photo. This can be fixed in no time.

After that it's a matter of sparkling up the surface.

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